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About me

I'm a first time mum living in London.  My son was born in September 2012, hence "1209mama".

Time flies when you have a little one, especially the first few months where you spend most of your day feeding, burping, nappy changing, trying to get the baby to sleep, and just as you think you have some time for a quick bite, the baby cries and the cycle starts again.

Six months on, my son's feeding and sleeping habits are finally more predictable, allowing me to have more time to sleep and eat, as well as doing other things, like starting this blog.

Quite a few of my friends are expecting their first baby and have been asking me about tips on what products to buy and what not to buy.  I wouldn't say I'm a very experienced mum, but I have purchased quite a few baby products, there are products I loved and there are products I wished I hadn't bothered (but it's too late to refund...)  Hence I'm starting this blog to share my views on products I've purchased.  I hope this is useful to fellow shoppers.  (I'd just like to highlight that I PURCHASED the products and I didn't receive any product from any retailer, so my reviews are not biased in any way.)

Life with a little one is so different, before our son was born, we like travelling, going out and dining out, but with a little one, there is so much more to consider.  I'll add another section of personal recommendations to where to go with a baby - eg which restaurants are family friendly, where can you find good nappy changing facilities etc

Hope these posts are helpful to fellow parents.  Good luck if you are a first time mum like myself :)

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